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[材料范本] 推荐信,自荐信等

发表于 2007-8-26 14:57:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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推荐信的认识与准备注意事项 作者:Meyer 来源:台湾学习情报网   推荐信的准备过程,因人而异。运气好的人,只要准备好自己的修课成绩、读书计划、以及申请学校所提供之推荐信表格及信封(或自己准备及缮打好的信封)等相关资料交给推荐者即可。推荐者在看完你的资料後,就帮你撰写一封完整的推荐信,并弥封签好名之後,通知你去领取。如果推荐人对你有深刻的了解,并能具体地描述出你的优点与特质,又有不错的英文写作能力,相信这会是一封具有影响力的推荐信。   以上所述当然是一种最理想的情况。但是,为数不少的申请者则至少必须撰写一封以上的推荐信草稿,提供给推荐人作为参考之用。此时,申请者就要耗费一番心思去拟稿。推荐信之内容通常不太需要像写读书计划时那般地雕琢字句,并且要求严谨的结构。一般而言,推荐信内容有其一定的写作方向及格式。第一段通常必须说明推荐者与你的关系;第二段以後则是主文部分,被推荐人的学术成就、工作经验、个人特色或优异表现……等,皆是可加以发挥的事项;最後一段则可考虑用简单扼要的语气,再次强调被推荐者优秀的特点,并告诉评审委员自己毫不保留地推荐该申请者的态度等诸如此类的结尾辞,就算完成了一封推荐信草稿。   以我而言,在最後几所申请学校时,由於时间比较紧凑,因此我采取「三分之二」的策略。什么是三分之二呢?大部分的学校要求的推荐信是三封,我选择只在草拟工作上司与教授这两封推荐信时,多花些心思於描述具体的事例。例如,在工作上完成什么样的重大计划或是曾经协助某位教授的研究计划;另外一封则以描述个人特质及个性上的特色为主,不再特别找具体事迹时。前两封推荐信所要注意所举的事例不要写的太过於一般性,以免显现不出你在研究上的具备的能力与发展潜力。第三封就不需太过於注意与前两封内容之间的搭配关系,可多用一些力度,使用强列的形容词来描述自己的特性。   市面上都会有一些留学书信参考范例的书籍,我是参考这些书籍的第一段及最後一段内容来写推荐信草稿,中间的这部分的写作方式与内容,则与读书计划相似。我的推荐人当中,其中一位是教过我的教授。他要求看我的成绩单、申请学校的名册、推荐信的草稿、信封及读书计划。这些资料在当时我都已准备妥当,由於我以前在修他的课及实习的成绩都很高,教授对我的印象还不错。不过让我担心的是,我的大学的在学总平均成绩不是很好,不知是否会影响教授对我的整体印象。另外,他所写的推荐信是直接在信封封口密封及签名,不让任何申请者看信的内容,因此不知其所写的细节著眼在哪些部分。   现在回想起来,建议读者有机会应该多与学校教授或其他推荐人沟通信件之内容,特别是在所申请学校的课程内容与专精领域各有不相同的情况,更是需要与推荐人讨论这些学校的课程,让他清楚地了解这些研究所课程及教授群。这样一来,教授在写推荐信的时候,对被推荐人的描述应该会更具体而贴切。说不定学校教授认识与你所申请研究所的教授,甚至与program director有学术合作的经验及交情,对於你的申请可是会有很大的帮助。   多与学校教授联系还可能会得到一些意想不到的资讯。如果系上有曾经留美再回国任教的教授,通常会给你些美国当地该科系或相关产业发展的最新状况,这些都是非常宝贵的资讯。以我为例,系上有位教授其取得硕士学位的学校,与我所申请其中一家学校相同,所以当我在与该教授谈过之後,对这所学校的印象十分深刻。後来,这所学校很快给予我入学许可,也很感谢教授在我申请学校时所提供的留学资讯。   留学不仅是追求学问,而且是人际关系的拓展。套一句电视广告语来说:「你不知你何时需要他(她)」。所以在求学时代与师长或是工作的上司建立良好的关系,对未来留学或是毕业後回国就业,会有很大的帮助。建议各位在留美期间,要与台湾的学校教授或以前的工作上司保持联系,不要过分专注於课业而与台湾方面的讯息脱节,将来学成归国之後,也许还需要他们提供一些相关的就业资讯。祝各位能顺利申请到心目中理想的学校! 推荐信的基本结构 来源:EmployChina.com   在给你的下属、合作伙伴或是朋友写推荐信之前,你有必要阅读一下以下这篇小文章。虽然只是只字片语,但你却能人中受益匪浅。同样,若你想请人帮你写推荐信,你也可以提示他(她)从以下几个角度来写。   推荐信的基本结构(三段式):   第一段:你应该开门见山地介绍一下你所推荐的这个人的能力和你对他的熟悉达到什么程度。如果被推荐的人是你的一个雇员或合作者,你有必要先介绍一下被推荐人担任的职务,他个人在任中出色完成的一些项目。接下来,你最好用一句简明扼要的话提一下你们公司的性质和主营范围。另外,你也应简要地谈一下你对被推荐者的看法。   第二段:在这一段中,你应该具体地阐述一下你对这位雇员(被推荐者)的评价。可以通过列举一些他在雇用期间出色完成的项目来强化你的观点,并适当提供一些细节。你还应该段描写一下这位被推荐者的优缺点,尤其是在工作所表现出的那些特点。还可以写一下你与之一起共事的感受。   第三段:你可以在这段中写一些与这个被推荐者综合素质有关的内容。总而言之,可以是这个人是否负责、有礼貌、热情、不尽人意、懒惰、精神矍铄或之类的特点。最后,你可以发表一下关于对这个人是否能胜任他将要寻找的工作的意见。这个意见可以是毫无保留的,可以是直截了当的,也可以是有所保留或部分保留的。   备注:在正式写推荐信之前,你可以向被推荐人要一张他曾做过的项目的清单,因为你可能对被推荐人做过的具体内容不太清晰。另外,如果你不是很了解被推荐人的话,你最好婉言拒绝他要你写推荐信的请求,这样总比含糊其词或没有说服力的介绍好。 (中国易聘网 一风) 推荐信范例(MBA专业) University of International Business and Economics Beijing 100029, P. R. China Sept. 28, 1998 Dear colleagues: This is to recommend Ms. Shan Shan, a graduate from this university’s department of International Business Management, for acceptance into your MBA program. I have known Ms. Shan as a resourceful and goal-oriented individual since 1990, when she attended a lecture I delivered, at which she asked perceptive and challenging questions. Although she did not officially take a course with me, she often consulted me on issues arising out of her studies. I therefore have come to know her well. I feel strongly that Ms. Shan’s unusual talents and abilities will stand her in good stead for a quality MBA education, which should serve as a major boost to her career. While at this university, Ms. Shan was an outstanding student, boasting excellent performance in all subjects of her studies and demonstrating great potential. Her overall GPA ranked her among the top 3 in her class of 40 students. But Ms. Shan was no bookworm devoted exclusively to exams. She read extensively in subjects outside her major, particularly in business law, marketing, finance and journalism, all of which seemed to be fascinating to her. In recognition of her intellectual strengths, the department offered, at the time of her graduation, to accept her into its graduate without the normally mandatory examinations. She, however, turned down the offer. A highly independent woman, she already had her own agenda set. She wanted to obtain practical management experience first and then proceed to pursue a Master’s Degree in Business Administrative in your country. She apparently made the right decision, for she has since become one of our most successful graduates in her crop of students. Ms. Shan is good at communicating in both oral and written English. Some of he most important undergraduate courses were taught by American professors, many of whom considered her oral English as native and her written English as standard. I am sure that she has since improved her English a lot more in her professional life. In Ms. Shan, we all saw an optimistic and easy-going character. With highly unusual determination, she is not to be daunted by any difficulties. She believes that, with hard work, she can achieve anything she wants. I think her confidence in herself is well grounded in her track record, especially when considering the fact that she entered into this university as the daughter of a most impoverished family, but graduated as a top student. Judging by what I know of her, I think Ms. Shan is fully qualified to pursue an MBA degree in your program. I therefore recommend her with enthusiasm. And I shall greatly appreciate if you can favorably consider her application for admission and financial aid. Yours sincerely
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-26 14:57:00 | 显示全部楼层


教授推荐信推荐信 (年月日空白)被推荐人:姓名:AA出生年月:19XX年XX月XX日国籍:中华人民共和国出生地:中国XX省毕业学校、专业:中国XX大学XX系XX专业 XX学士推荐人姓名:XX(签名、印章)所属:中国XX大学XX系职务、职称:XXXX、教授本人作为被推荐者的学士论文的指导教师,在其大学在学期间,指导其完成大学学业及毕业论文。该生的研究专业为XXX,其学士毕业论文的题目为:XXXX。该生学习自觉认真、刻苦努力,有较强的求知欲望、钻研精神,具备一定的发现问题、分析问题和独立解决问题的能力。在本专业知识方面也打下了良好的基础,特别是在XX、XX、XX(列出三个有代表性的专业课名)等领域方面成绩优异,有较强的专业特长。该生的毕业论文的研究方向主要是面向“XX专业领域”中的“XXX问题的研究”。在本人的指导下,该生通过独立查阅相关文献、分析相关案例,克服了种种困难,最终独立完成了该课题的研究。其毕业论文被本校评为优秀论文,并因此获得XX大学授予的X学学士学位。该生在本校学习期间,还曾经获得XXX奖学金、XX(荣誉表彰等),是个品学兼优的、不可多得的优秀学生。因此,本人决定将该生推荐给贵校,希望利用贵校大学院良好的学术环境和研究氛围,使该生学习深造,使他的潜能得到充分发挥。望准许该生入学为盼。
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-26 14:58:00 | 显示全部楼层


推 薦 書 ##さんは、中国##大学##学院###学部4年生に在籍しています。 2001年9月から、##学部、3年3組の「##」を担当してきたので、##さんを知りました。##さんは学生たちの中でもっとも勤勉な学生の一人です。それについては、2001‐2002年度甲等奨学金、2000‐2001年度丙等奨学金と1999‐2000年度甲等奨学金を受賞したことからもみてとれます。さらに、三年生の時、日本語能力検定1級試験に合格し、361点という高得点を取りました。そして##大学において、全学部の中から勉学・健康・人柄の三つの面で優れた学生を表彰するという「三好学生」に20人程度の中の一人に見事選ばれました。##さんは、日本語だけでなく、英語にも堪能で、大学英語4級「優秀」証書と大学英語6級合格証書、大学英語口語「B」等証書などを取得しました。このように、言語面での問題はまったくありません。 人物面につきましては、##さんは明るく真面目な性格を持っています。元気が良く、歌唱力に優れ、学部主催の紅白歌合戦や忘年会などの文芸活動によく参加しています。また、校内にこだわらず、社会実践にもたびたび参加しています。2002年6月、##省で開かれた日中貿易商談会において、日本語通訳を担当した経験があり、今年の3月からも、日本語通訳者としてある出版社でアルバイトをしてきました。社会へ対する関心も非常に高く、責任感の強い人間です。 また、専門の研究内容についてですが、##さんはすでに「#####」、「#####」という2編の日本語に関する研究論文を書き上げ、非常に高い研究能力と意欲を示しています。貴大学には、彼女の希望する##専攻課程が設置されており、留学先として最適な環境が整っていると確信しております。 以上に述べた理由から、##さんが貴大学に留学することを推薦いたします。                           #年#月#日                       中国##大学 ##学院                        ###学部 教授 ###

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-26 14:58:00 | 显示全部楼层


推荐信范例(计算机专业) From: Jiao ShouDepartment of the SPECIAL CLASS GIFTED for YOUTHSUniversity of Science and TechnologyHefei, Anhui 230026P. R. ChinaJuly 1,1998Dear Sir or Madam:I take great pleasure in recommending Ren Ren, one of my favorite students, for admission into your distinguished graduate program.Mr. Ren was admitted in 1986 at 14 years f age into the SPECIAL CLASS for the GIFTED YOUTHS, my university’s unique program that caters to the intellectual needs of unusually talented Chinese youngsters. It was a rare privilege he earned with his nearly impeccable academic performance through the years of his elementary and secondary school.He impressed me almost as he entered into my university, a major cradle of china’s scientific and technological talents. At the time, members of the Gifted Class all had to spend half a month studying by themselves the principles of calculus and then take an exam so that we could evaluate their self-study capability. Mr. Ren scored the highest grade in that exam. He also exhibited a keenly whetted mind during class discussions. To my regret at the time, his English was not as good as his mathematics or physics. But I noticed he made a point of working especially hard in improving his English during his five undergraduate years with us. By now, he seems to be at least as proficient in English as most of his former classmates in the Gifted Class.In my experience with Mr. Ren, I was impressed with not only his extraordinary intelligence but also his ambitions and persistence. I am sure that Mr. Ren will be an outstanding student in any doctoral program that he may care to enroll in. So I would like to support him firmly in his quest recommendation into account when considering his application. I would greatly appreciate it you decide to accept him as he wishes.Yours sincerelyJiao ShouProfessor and Deputy Head********************************推荐信样例(计算机2) From: Jiao ShouDepartment of the SPECIAL CLASS GIFTED for YOUTHSUniversity of Science and TechnologyHefei, Anhui 230026, P.R. ChinaJuly 1, 1998 Dear Sir or Madam:  I take great pleasure in recommending Ren Ren, one of my favorite students, for admission into your distinguished graduate program.   Mr. Ren was admitted in 1986 at 14 years of age into the SPECIAL CLASS for the GIFTED YOUTHS, my university's unique program that caters to the intellectual needs of unusually talented Chinese youngsters. It was a rare privilege he earned with his nearly impeccable academic performance through the years of his elementary and secondary school.  He impressed me almost as he entered into my university, a major cradle of china's scientific and technological talents. At the time, members of the Gifted Class all had to spend half a month studying by themselves the principles of calculus and then take an exam so that we could evaluate their self-study capability. Mr. Ren scored the highest grade in that exam. He also exhibited a keenly whetted mind during class discussions. To my regret at the time, his English was not as good as his mathematics or physics. But I noticed he made a point of working especially hard in improving his English during his five undergraduate years with us. By now, he seems to be at least as proficient in English as most of his former classmates in the Gifted Class.  In my experience with Mr. Ren, I was impressed with not only his extraordinary intelligence but also his ambitions and persistence. I am sure that Mr. Ren will be an outstanding student in any doctoral program that he may care to enroll in. So I would like to support him firmly in his quest recommendation into account when considering his application. I would greatly appreciate it you decide to accept him as he wishes.Yours sincerelyJiao ShouProfessor and Deputy Head

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-26 14:59:00 | 显示全部楼层


推荐信范例(经济专业) Dear Colleagues: I am Head of the Department of International Finance in the school of Economics at the Tsinghua University, perhaps the most prestigious university in China, and I am writing to recommend Mr. Hui Buhui, one of my favorite students, for acceptance into your Master’s program. I got to know him personally last semester when he was taking the course of Special Topics on International Finance that I was teaching. In the class, he showed great interest in economics. He studied conscientiously and often talked with me after the class about the questions that he had come across in his readings. Once when we talked about the country’s ongoing restructuring of its tax system, he delved into the increasing cost of tax evasion. We then discussed several methods of calculating the cost. As we talked, I found that he was very skilled in expressing his ideas through diagrammatic curves and mathematics. Recognizing that the government’s attitudes to acts of tax evasion will affect not only people’s behavior but also the cost of levying taxes, he saw possible solutions to the problem in the Game Theory. I encouraged him to pursue this idea. He said he didn’t know much about the Game Theory and proceeded to borrow some essays by Nash from me. He thus left me with a deep impression. Studying with conscientiousness, Mr. Hui often came up with creative ideas. Unlike some other students, he studied not to just pass the exams but to really improve his knowledge and expertise. He stands out among his fellow classmates with an unmistakable thirst for genuine understanding of the country’s economic realities and problems. That has won him appreciation from not just me but my colleagues as well. But he did do well in exams too. In the final exam of last semester, he got a high score of 90 for my course. He often talks with me about his ideal to become an economist. To help quench his thirst for knowledge, I have lent many of my own books to him and tutored him in his self-study program. He has been much more engrossed in doing independent research than preparing for exams, but his grades still keep him ranked among the top 25% of his class. I think he is a very intelligent young fellow. Mr. Hui has a good command of the English language. As he is well acquainted with me, he has often helped me in my own research by translating some English essays that I am too busy to translate. His translations are usually quite good. His oral English is good too. Compared with other Chinese students who may be applying to your program, I think Mr. Hui should be considered more favorably. Well grounded in the theories of economics and the methodologies of economic research, and proficient in English, Mr. Hui should make an outstanding student in graduate studies. I have not seen many Chinese students who are so intent on achieving an academic career in economics. If you accept him, you will find that his drive and sense of purpose very contagious among the students. In view of all that I know of him, I strongly recommend him. If you want to know more about him, please don’t hesitate to contact with me. Sincerely, Hao Zhang Professor of Economics Associate dean, School of Economics, Tsinghua University Head of Department of International Finance ************************************************************************888 推荐信范例(经济专业2) 推荐信范例(经济专业) Sept. 19,1998 Dear Sir or Madam: I taught Mr. Dai Tongzhi Corporate Finance, and I am writing in support of his application for acceptance into your graduate school. In my class, Mr. Dai stood out for the penetrating questions he asked. The course emphasized practical skills, with a lot of in-class discussions and a heavy load of homework in the form of case studies. Mr. Dai was more often than not the first to talk, and no discussion ever ended in class without his well-reasoned input. Once I asked the students to analyze a case of investment in a new washing powder. Most of them only worked out the net present value of this investment scheme according to its return. But Mr. Dai not only worked out the NPV, but also considered the risk of it and revised the NPV taking in account the Certainty Equivalent Factor of the washing powder industry. He concluded that the company should use the new type of washing powder to replace its old one on the market. He carefully analyzed the cost of producing and marketing the new brand, considering, for example, the opportunity cost of the production of the new brand. He reasoned, among other things, that the production of the new variety would necessitate the use of the storeroom, which could otherwise be rented to others. Few other students analyzed the case as thoroughly as Mr. Dai did. One of the things that distinguishes Mr. Dai from other students is his strength in mathematics. Whatever convoluted cases he had to deal with, he never ever made a single mistake in his computation and mathematical deduction. This put him at a distinct advantage over other students, as evidenced by his grade of 96 in my course, the highest among over 100 students who took part in the final exam. Mr. Dai has a strong ability to put theory into practice. Because I specialize in practical economics, he has often asked me questions on stocks and shares. Making good use of his spare time, he has made small investments in some stocks to test his judgments. To give himself hands – on experience, he has taken up some part-time job with some small companies. Heeding my advice, he worked for the Special Appliances Company in Chengdu, his hometown, in the summer of 1998, and the company has found his advice very valuable. I am pleased when he told me he would like to pursue advanced studies in economics in your university. I am sure that your distinguished program will help stand him in good stead in his future career. Sincerely, Jiao Shou Associate Professor of Economics Tsinghua University

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-26 14:59:00 | 显示全部楼层


推荐信样例(工程) Li Li Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100080, P.R. ChinaDean School of Graduate Studies and ResearchDear Colleagues:  Mr. Ren Ren requested a letter of reference from me to support his application for graduate studies at your university. As his research adviser when he was a graduate student in my institute, I am pleased to comply with his request.  I have known Mr. Ren since 1991, when he was admitted as a Master of Engineering candidate into the Institute. As his research adviser, I directed his research and found him a promising youth radiating with intelligence and creativity. During his first year, he got a very good record in major courses. He particularly enjoyed challenging areas of studies such as Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network.  During the following two years, Mr. Ren worked on a communication project for his degree thesis "the Radio Shunting System on Railroad". To make the product meet the actual needs, he faced down many practical problems, such as high reliability and volume and weight of the product. Working hard and independently, he cracked the problems one by one, and came up with a thesis that was characterized by academic excellence.  Judging by his outstanding performance while he studied with me, I am convinced that Mr. Ren has acquired the knowledge and intellectual sophistication on the basis of which he can undertake world-class training. I therefore lend him my enthusiastic support and would appreciate your favorable consideration of his application. Sincerely yoursLi LiProfessor, Graduate Adviser

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-26 15:00:00 | 显示全部楼层


教授联系信范例(物理专业)Dear Professor ********: I am a master graduate student at Tsinghua Univ., Beijing China. I have sent to ****** Univ. my application for the Fall 1999 physics Ph.D. program. I find that my background seems perfectly fit your research in the area of ********. I wonder whether you can consider my eager wish of being one of your graduate students. Born in ****, I enrolled in Huazhong Univ. of Sci.&Tech. (HUST) as the youngest Chinese undergraduate in 1993. In 1996 when I was 15 years old, I became the first HUST student who finished the 4-year undergraduate program in 3 years with the Bachelor of Engineering degree (major in optoelectronics) and the honor ***********. Then I enrolled in the Physics dept at Tsinghua Univ as the youngest graduate student in China. I received extensive research training that made me much experienced. I will get the Master of Science degree in June 1999. In my past study I have had much fruitful research experience in ***********, especially in ************. I happen to be very familiar with the recent highlights in your research works, like ************. I am willing to further my interdisciplinary study with well-prepared knowledge in ************. Although younger than my classmates, I am confident that the academic endeavours I have made are more than what they have made. You can review my academic background from my PS and Resume which shall be at your department now. You are in my view one of the most knowledgeable and authoritative scholars in the area of my planned doctoral study (refer to my PS please). I wish I can have the chance to take doctoral study under your direction. It will be the most helpful to my academic career if I can be your student. Moreover, very recently I have read several new papers of yours and got many new ideas. Therefore I am eager to be your student and learn from you the most helpful research skills. As a result, I wish you can review my application, and give me an answer about my strong desire of being your student. I would be happy to act on your advice. Thank you very much in advance, I am looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-26 15:00:00 | 显示全部楼层


昂恩的教授推荐信Department of Chinese Language and LiteratureShanghai Normal UniversityGuilin Road 100 Shanghai 200234, P. R. ChinaSept.5, 2002Dear Sir or Madam:In the capacity of the dean of Chinese Language and Literature Department of Shanghai Normal University, I am glad to write this letter furnishing my evaluation of Ms. XXX‘'s academic aptitude to your esteemed university.She is a bright girl with an alert mind and a pleasing personality. I got to know her personally when Ms. XXX enrolled in my class on Narrative Logic and Language Logic, a two semester’s course. Owing to the remarkable logical thinking ability, she showed the great scholastic aptitude on my course and got excel scores respectively in two semesters. And her thesis on Language Logic was published on our academic magazine (Logic Issue). I also found her made herself distinguished even in other selective groups.In her four college years, Ms XXX had tried to edit our major literature issue twice and helped Professor Bin Yuan to finish his dictionary composition. She always got a high praise by her enthusiasm and sense of responsibility.Ms. XXX is an initiative and conscientious student, seeking self-improvement constantly. She had personal talks with me several times, I found she indicated a great interest in Japanese language and literature. Her graduation thesis on Kawabata Yasunari got a very high evaluation. In my opinion, Ms. XXX has a potential as a research in Japanese language and culture. Besides English, she works very hard on Japanese learning. She had earned a great score in TOEFL and International Japanese Language Proficiency Test in her forth year. So she has the ability of general reading in English and Japanese, which enables her to find out quickly the newest progress in her research areas from hundreds of now articles each month.After she left school, she still keeps in touch with me from time to time and I am pleased to see that she is marching steadily towards her career goal. Therefore I feel very delighted when she told me she would like to pursue her advanced studied in your honored program. Your kind consideration will be greatly appreciated. If further information regarding this promising young girl is needed, please feel free to contact me, my e-mail address is: [email protected] you!Sincerely yours,教授手写签名+盖章

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-26 15:01:00 | 显示全部楼层


个人自荐范例:政治学 In China these days, university graduates who have not been lucky enough to settle into their dream jobs often look to graduated studies as a way to kill the time that they cannot otherwise spend meaningfully. I am prepared to go against the social conventions by putting on hold a successful research career that promised to be even more successful. With eight years of productive and highly valued practical research behind me, I now would like to revert to a more intellectual life so that I can conduct more theoretical discourses. Quite some of my friends have trouble understanding my decision."Why did you not take the opportunity eight years ago," they would ask, " when your alma mater offered to admit you as a graduate student without any hassle?" Indeed, I declined to become a graduate student in 1991, when Q university arguably China's best higher-learning institution, made it clear to me that I would be exempted from the normally mandatory qualifying examinations in case I wanted to do graduate studies there. To many of my friends, I should have taken advantage of that opportunity if I had really wanted to become an intellectual. Well, I have always wanted to be an intellectual. But I thought that a good intellectual has to ground his or her theoretical discourses n comprehensive knowledge of the social reality. And that is what I have been trying to do since high school. In 1985, I took part in the National University Entrance Examination, which are held once a year nationwide to screen the country's high school graduates for post-secondary education, and scored a total of grades that was the second best in Henan Province (with a population close to 100 million). With such an academic record, I could have chosen a more fashionable or potentially profitable major such as law or business administration. Instead I opted for biological engineering and entered into the Qinghua's Department of Biological Engineering with a total of grades in the National University Entrance Examinations better than that of any of my fellow students. In 1989, I graduated with an academic record that was, in overall terms, the second best in the crop of graduates of that year. Upon graduation, I secured a job with the Shenzhen Social Science Academy, which serves, as the municipal government's most resourceful and most important think-tank. As you may very well know, Shenzhen borders Hong Kong, the "Pearl of the Orient." As China's first and most successful"special economic zone," it has pioneered many, if not most, of China's far-reaching economic reforms, and in the process it has grown from a village of several thousand to an ultra-modern city of several million people, all in 16 years. The Academy is charged with coming up with new policy proposals or conducting feasibility studies on various policy proposals. In either case, the Academy must analyze and predict the effect or consequences of the policy implementation, and the city's politicians would make their decisions in reference to or even reliance on the Office's research reports. Since I was trained in Biology, I was at first assigned to do data recording and other statistical work on medical care related topics. But, within two years, I began to do research independently. Starting from the third year, I have been in charge of a group of 12 in various research projects. In 1994, I directed a major study on the municipal government's proposed reform of the city's medical care system, and, on the basis of the research results, came up with some specific suggestions in terms of what reforms should be undertaken and how they should be carried out. The study was a resounding success. At the time, many of my colleagues, my supervisor included thought that the study was related to the reform of the medical care system in Shenzhen only. I respectfully disagreed. Shenzhen, I argued, would probably serve as an example in the medical care reform area, as it often does in many other areas. In fact, the country's top leadership opened the city up as their first"special economic zone" with the specific purpose of making it a trail-blazer in the country's reform process. I f Shenzhen was to fulfill its mission, it had to come up with policies that would be applicable to other parts of the country as well. Having convinced my supervisor of the merits of my thinking, I designed a research plan that involved the combined use of three research methods: sample survey, case study and participatory research. The country was divided into several major parts, and for each part, a given number of representative cities were chosen, to which my investigators were sent. The subjects of the investigation included ordinary city residents, government officials, medical providers and insurance companies, who were all asked about their feelings and expectations about the medical care reform. We also took Hong Kong's medical care system into consideration, as Hong Kong, with its striking resemblance to Shenzhen in terms of its culture and values provides an obvious reference point for Shenzhen's policy deliberations. On the basis of all the data gathered, I made the following proposals to address the problems that beset the city's medical system at the time: Revoke the traditional system that mandated the employer's full reimbursement of all of any employee's total medical cost, replacing it with a new system in which the employer is required to pay 90 per cent and the employee 10 per cent of the cost of any ordinary medical care. In this system, the employees would be issued special magnetic medicare card that could only be used in designated hospitals. The insurance companies would simultaneously be required to offer new types of insurance policies to cover extraordinary cost associated with grave illnesses, and it would be up to the reidents to pay the insurance premiums themselves. The scheme, meant to rein in the excessive medical cost for employers without putting too much of a burden on employees, was first put into trial of ten of Shenzhen's large stateowned enterprises. Half a year later, it was enforced throughout the city. Soon, positive assessments of the scheme flowed in from private corporations and public institutions alike. It significantly reduced the excessive medical cost, and most of the money saved was spent on fitness and recreation programs that employees generally enjoyed. Both employers and employees thus benefited from the scheme. The scheme also had the added advantage of stabilizing the prices of medication at a reasonable level. From 1995 on, most of the large and medium cities begun to imitate Shenzhen's medicare reforms with positive results. The scheme has thus had nationwide impact. Public policy as a social science is a comparatively new discipline in China, and it is still weak in both theoretical frameworks and practical research methodologies. The use of sophisticated research as a basis for policy decisions is still a new phenomenon. There are not many students and scholars in this area, and even fewer can claim genuine expertise. In fact, most people tend to ignore public policy research, thinking that it does not have the kind of utility as computer science nor the kind of sophistication as philosophy. It is a state of affairs to lament about, and I consider it my mission to change it. My work experience has taught me on where I am still inadequately prepared for the mission that I have taken on, in terms of both conceptual and practical training. I have come to a point where I feel a pressing need for more advanced education in public administration and policy research. Yet, very few of China's universities boast of public policy research programs. I am hoping that, one day in this country, policy research and implementation knowledge would no longer be confined to the trained few, and policy decisions will normally be based on rigorous research . I am quite aware that it may take the efforts of several generations for such a new discipline to take roots in a country as old and as fast-changing as China, and I would like to devote my life to helping this new discipline grow in this country. I do not really have a whole lot of hobbies. Apart from reading books and listening to my friends relate their experiences, I enjoy traveling on my own. While I always emphasize the importance of teamwork in the office, I like traveling on my own so that it is easier for me to seek a personal connection with nature. As I savor nature's grandeur and my own seclusion in it, the natural world often endows me with new vision and fresh insights. I have also experienced quite some failures and setbacks in my life, but I have never given up my goal before I reached it. Whenever bogged down in quagmires, I would push myself by saying, "just toughen it out, and you will be there. Tomorrow will be better if only you try a little harder." I would really appreciated your serous deliberation over my application, as I have pondered very seriously before I made up my mind to send in this application. I am sure that, if I can be lucky enough to study under your seasoned guidance and with the necessary financial assistance, you will be training one of the best Chinese policy researchers in China of the 21st century. For the successes I have achieved so far, I have enjoyed the kind help and support from many people. My further successes are now dependent on your support and appreciation, and I hope you will be generous in offering both after you have reviewed my application. I shall be looking forward to your early reply. Thank you.

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-26 15:02:00 | 显示全部楼层


个人自荐范例(电子工程)Brought up in a pure environment surrounded by mountains and woods. I deem myself as a lucky person born with natural gifts Some of them are "ordinary", showed obviously on math, music and memory at a quite early age and continued to serve as parts of my distinctiveness as I grew up some of them are "extraordinary ", for example, my original interest in philosophy. It is hard to believe to some that what I have speculated about at the age of five coincided with some of the thoughts in Jean-Paul Sartre's "L'Etre at le Neant". Why electronics? It still remains a mystery to me how I left childhood dream of become an astronomer and chose electronic engineering as my college major instead. Not knowing much about circuits as about stars at that time. I seemed to be simply allured by the idea of designing a guidance system for the space shuttle. Five years of inquiry into the electronic world proved that my choice was right. I was completely infatuated with such a field-so profound and vigorous that one is only limited by his/her imagination. What's done? Anxious to find out what "electronics" really means. I began doing laboratory research as early as from the third year. First at the Microwave Lab, doing circuits simulation and user interface design. Generally speaking. Works during that period were fragmentary , but they have given me sufficient experience on C. C++, Windows programming and interface design, which laid a sold foundation for my future study. Later, to explore something new, I applied to join the Multimedia Lab, an "interactive "place sponsored by Prof Xing Li, I became familiar with UNIX system and did X Windows interface design for some time Probably because some interesting points in my design, I was offered an opportunity by Prof Li to join the "wavelet research group". Intending to develop wavelet applications . That was a turning point in my work. Wavelet is a brand-new area with modern mathematical background, free space of imagination and, a little but philosophical color that totally interested me I carried out a experiment of applying Embedded. Zero tree Wavelet (EZW) algorithm to speech coding EZW algorithm was originally developed in image coding, aiming at the multi-resolution transmission of pictures. Its efficiency greatly depends on the amount of zerotrees the source produced . By properly quantized, speech samples can be expected to generate a considerable number of zerotrees due to its spectrum characteristics . In my experiment, different kinds of speech sources have been tested and an average compression ratio of 8 I was achieved, with no perceptible distortions Compared with previous coding methods, the result is encouraging, for the benefits are gained through a rather concise procedure doing encoding and decoding is as schematically as doing a cross -word puzzle Moreover. What I have done is actually superficial. There still exist at least several means to improve it, for example, the application of non-even quantizer, wavelet packet, the definition of a higher dimensional structure like "zeroforest ". the selection of an appropriate wavelet base, etc.. The improvement of the algorithm is included in my present research. What's on going I am now working on my diploma thesis. The topic is "A Research of Multi-resolution Coding of information and Relevant Transmission Protocols", including multi-resolution coding of images. Wavelet coding of audio signals (improved EZW algorithm), and an integrated demo system. Special interest More than enjoying the coding game, another fascinating point I found in speech or image processing is the combination of signal theory with neuropsycology and cognitive science. It was discovered as I was studying the auditory model. When a series of complex physiological functions are modeled and mathematically abstracted ,we found out that the cochlea is actually a living wavelet filter, while lumps of cells working infatiguedly for the Fourier Transform--the way the hearing cortex to grasp a sound Some interesting things can be also found in our visual system The contour and texture based image coding is one of the inspirations given by our own eyes, and is just one of the numerous that waiting for us to discover When we are puzzled by piles of questions such as sound and vision, perception and cognition, why don't we go to the Creator and ask how he has handled them? What to pursue? Concluded form above, my research experiences concentrate on speech and image processing, with an emphasis on coding schemes and a special interest on the application of knowledge in biological and cognitive science. What I am going to do is to develop my interest on speech or image processing, preferably with an interdisciplinary approach. Because of the rapid advances and the active environment of such a field in the United States. I am sure that an institution with a world reputation on electrical engineering like yours is my first choice. However ,due to my broad interest in electronics and other branches of learning, there is always no limitations on specific programs. Still further Upon receiving a doctoral degree in the States, I will go back to my mother country, not only for the beloved land and people, but also for the temptation of eastern philosophy. The idea hit upon me when I caught sight of the graphic of wavelet decomposition that is surprisingly similar to the ancient Taoist interpretation of the generation of universe . It has been widely accepted that eastern thought would play an important role in future science and I believe the instillation of modern western ideas could accelerate the process. As the descendant of the Orient. I am willing to make some useful attempts.

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